Help Donkerbos build a better life for its children

On the fringes of the Kalahari Desert, at the end of a long, winding sand track, lies the small village of Donkerbos. After a long period of desperation, the community has ideated a number of self-help projects it wants to start. Help them raise startup capital through this crowdfuding campaign.
Donkerbos – the dark bush in Afrikaans – is a small community approximately 260 kilometres from the regional capital Gobabis in Namibia.
Most community members are Ju/’hoansi speaking San, one the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa. San communities suffer a long history of discrimination and marginalization. Formerly nomadic hunter-gatherers, they now face a reality of having to develop new livelihoods.
The Inclusive and Collaborative Local Tech Innovation Hub is supporting Donkerbos and other San communities in Namibia to crowdfund startup capital for income-generating projects that have been ideated by the communities themselves.
Donkerbos is one of our long-term partners. We support the community in needs-identification and capacity development for the projects they want to implement. Together we also undertake ground-breaking academic research, which focuses on finding ways to preserve indigenous knowledge and help communities keep their knowledge alive.
The income generating projects the community wants to start include a campsite, xxxxxx, and xxxxxxxx. Startup capital for these projects is sourced through crowdfunding and through the sales of augmented reality fridge magnets – an innovative product the community developed together with the Tech Hub.
Looking like a regular fridge magnet, the augmented reality (AR) magnets tell stories of San traditions when they are scanned by a mobile phone. Images and videos for the magnets were developed in Donkerbos. The community members participated in the ideation, scripting, photo- and videography and acting. In the process, they developed new skills in these areas and reconnected with their pride for their cultural traditions.
Buy an augmented reality fridge magnet made in Donkerbos (deliveries possible only within Namibia)
Read personal stories of the Donkerbos community members who participated in the magnets project
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