ICTechhub News

Read more about our latest news posts and be informed.

Unveiling Cultural Heritage: The Narrative Hand Gestures Game At NUST Career Fair 2024

The NUST CAREER FAIR 2024: Robert Hihangwapo and Tjihimise Kaunatjike, interns under the Faculty of Computing and Informatics demoed the Narrative Hand Gestures […]

A World Within a World: NUST at the Luderitz Crayfish Festival

Imagine stepping into a new reality in a blink. That’s the experience many festival-goers had at the Namibia University of Science and Technology […]

Empowering Voices: A Journey in Donkerbos Community

In the heart of Donkerbos community, nestled amidst challenges and unwavering resolve, a team of four researchers embarked […]

Exploring Innovation and Collaboration: Insights from the Donkerbos Research Trip

From September 11th to 14th, 2023, the vibrant community of Donkerbos welcomed a team of dedicated researchers[…]

Diving into Innovation: IC Tech Hub’s VR Project in Donkerbos.

Recently, a research team of the IC Tech Hub embarked on a transformative journey to the Donkerbos community, marking a significant milestone […]

Exploring Tourism’s Future: World Tourism Day Conference at NUST

On the 27th of September 2023, our Tech Hub intern took part in the prestigious NUST World Tourism Day conference, showcasing […]

IC Tech Hub’s VR at TransNamib Heritage week

18-24 September 2023, an intern at the Tech Hub, recently had the unique opportunity to participate in TransNamib’s Heritage Week, where he […]

Attracting new learners to study computer science

From the 25th to 28th of August 2023, JD, an intern at the Tech Hub, recently attended the Annual Ongwediva Trade Fair with a mission […]

VR brought into the Bush: Donkerbos enhancing VR

The community in Donkerbos is currently contributing to the development of natural hand gestures, which are to be used in a Virtual Reality […]

MTC EduTech PPS handover

Namibia’s ICT solution provider, MTC and the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which focusses collaboration in […]

Advancing technology explorations in Donkerbos

In May 2021, the ICTECHHUB team, led by Professor Heike Winschiers-Theophilus and comprising of NUST researchers, students and photographers […]

Havana Community Website Development Workshop

On the 6th of May 2021 a workshop was hosted by the Tech Mediators at Havana Youth Café. The aim of the workshop […]

LAUNCH OF THE Havana Youth Café

The launch of the Havana Youth Café that took…..

Versatile Spin the Bottle Game Promotes Good Mental Health

The digital ‘’spin the bottle’’ game was a hit……

Technology Innovation Bazaar

The Innovation Bazaar was hosted from the 23rd – 25th of September 2020

COVID-19 Survival Kit for Youth Entrepreneurs: Innovation

The Covid-19 Survival Kit…

COVID-19 Survival Kit for Youth Entrepreneurs: Mental Health

The Covid-19 Survival Kit….


UNDP in collaboration with the IctechHub, Green…..

Tech Hub experiences from the first Havana Expo

A good community initiative that would have needed more support.

Tech Hub takes Virtual Reality to the San in Omaheke

When a community knows what a technology can do, they……..

Technology amplifies Namibian Born Frees’ voices

What do you get when you ask a group of young Namibians -born frees….

6th ICT Summit: Accelerating Digital Transformation

From the 07th – 9th of October the 6th ICT Summit that was themed…..

Social Media Marketing and Analytics

On the 26th of September, a social media and digital analytics workshop….

Fourth National Programming Competition

The fourth edition of the Annual High School Programming Competition took place….

4th Namibia Book Fair

On the 6th of September 2019, the 4th Annual Namibia book fair was held……

Inspirations and partners in Finland

Two members of the ICTech Hub, Prof Heike Winschiers-Theophilus…

Resilient Building Workshop with the Donkerbos Community

From the 28th of august to the….

Innovative prototypes at Swakopmund and Walvis Bay youth (Part 2)

On February 2019, NUST FCI under..

The ‘ROOM’ blazes hope at the One Economy Foundation Conference

‘What can you do to make Namibia better for EVERYONE? This is the….

Intellectual Property Rights workshop with Innovators

The training that was held on the 9th of August 2019 focused on…..

Hub supports Hackathon to develop a digital Counselling service

During previous co-design workshops held with Unemployed…

Ten tips for young tech inventors from SALT

A partnership between the Tech Hub and SALT Essential IT shows…

Smart prototypes to solve environmental problems emerges from the ‘I.o.T’ workshop

Participants from Windhoek’s…

Tech Bazaar connects young inventors to finance and other support

The recently concluded Technology

Close to 40 local inventions to be showcased in the Tech Innovation Bazaar

The Inclusive and Collaborative Local Tech

Hub trains community mediators to access crowdfunding

Access to seed funding makes a huge difference for small community projects. A trained…

Fresh youth solutions to burning issues

Windhoek learners ideate tech solutions to tackle noise pollution and teen pregnancies…

Innovative prototypes from Mondesa youth

Take a peek into one of our collaborative design workshops

Tech Hub visit inspires the San community in Donkerbos

The San in Donkerbos want to develop more innovations

Advice from creative thought leaders

Our sincere thanks for the design session participants who let us borrow their spark.

Tech Hub tickles interest at innovation conference

“I am truly amazed by it”, “such an interesting idea”, “why have we

Hub welcomes new staff

The Inclusive and Collaborative Local Tech Innovation Hub welcomes the following new staff members.

First set of Tech Knights knighted

Industry representatives put their heads together to rethink

First innovation on the market

The San did it again, first augmented reality magnets

Hub develops ‘The Room’ – augmented reality (AR) installation base

There is always ROOM for inclusive innovation

MTC donates smartphone for innovation work by the San

An official handover of 15 smartphones from MTC to the

Tech Innovation Hub Launched at NUST

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST),

NUST to launch ICT innovation hub

Published online by Radio Wave on the 22nd of February 2018

ICTechhub in the news

Read more the latest news about the Techhub from the media and be informed.

Local innovation needs local investment.

Published on the Informante Facebook page on the 1st of June 2019

Tech Innovation Bazaar Highlights Research and Local Inventions

Published by NUST in the Namibian on the 31st of May 2019

Innovation Technology Bazaar

Published by DB Audio in May 2019

MTC narrows digital divide with the 2019 Tech Innovation Bazaar

Published by the Namibia Daily News on the 25th of May 2019

Nust teams up with MTC on tech bazaar

Published by The Namibian on the 24th of May 2019.

MTC narrows digital divide with the 2019 Tech Innovation Bazaar

Published by MTC on the 22nd of May 2019

Tech heads to showcase work at Innovation Bazaar

Published by Namibian Economist on the 22nd of May 2019

Faculty of Computing hosts Tech Innovation Bazaar to highlight research, local inventions

Published by the Namibia Daily News on the 20th of May 2019

On air with Mark Mushiva and Helena Afrikaner

Recorded by 99FM on the 9th of May 2019

NUST to host technology innovation bazaar

Published by the New Era on the 16th of May 2019

Technology Innovation Bazaar The first ever Namibia Technology Innovation Bazaar!!!

Published online by 99FM on the 9th of May 2019

Strengthening Innovation In Namibia – Bridging the Gap

Published by UNESCO Windhoek on the 9th of May 2019

MTC and NUST Partner in Unique San Tech Innovation Project

Published in The Namibian on the 16th of October 2018

Tech Innovation Hub Launched at NUST

Publish by NUST on the 9th of March 2018

Tech-innovation hub aims to improve business opportunities for vulnerable youth

Published by the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation on the 3rd of March 2018

Tech-innovation hub aims to improve business opportunities for vulnerable youth

Published by NBC on the 3rd of March of 2018

NUST launches innovation hub

Published by NAMPA on the 1st of March 2018

NUST launches innovation hub

Published by Lela Mobile on the 1st of March 2018

NUST to launch ICT innovation hub

Published online by Radio Wave on the 22nd of February 2018

NUST to launch Inclusive, Collaborative Technology Innovation Hub

Published by the Namibia Daily news on the 22nd of February 2018