UNDP in collaboration with the IctechHub, Green enterprise and selected partners from the Namibian Public Sector hosted a Service Innovation Hackathon throughout the month of July, 2020. The aim of the #ServiceInnovationHack is to develop a range of digital and tech solutions aimed at improving and innovating service delivery by working through sets of challenges.
The Hackathon focused on a total of 9 challenge areas that ranged from:
Digitization of Services, Economic Transformation, Ease of Doing Business, Tourism of Tomorrow, Access to Essential Services, Virtual Healthcare, Protecting the Vulnerable, building strong institutions, Accountability or any other institutional solution that the digital hackers could come up with.
The event kicked off on July 6, 2020 with 68 digital hack solution ideas submitted. Out of the 68 digital hack solution ideas submitted, 37 were selected to move on Hackathon phase. The Hackathon teams then embarked on a 10-day Hackathon journey, developing their solutions to challenges being faced in the public sector.
The Hacking came to an end on the 27th of July, 2020, followed by the pitching competition that took place from the 28th– 29th of July, 2020. The competition was not easy and the Hackers brought their all to the table. In the end three teams emerged victorious.
- First Prize (US$5 000) Pro Food Challenge App – a team that developed a multi stakeholder e-commerce platform
- Second Prize (us$3 000) E-passport system – a team that showcased an e-Passport Service for the Ministry of Home Affairs
- Third Prize (US$2 000) Traffic Tickets system – a team that created a Traffic Ticket Management System for the Ministry of Safety and Security
The Hackathon teams expressed their gratitude to the organisers. Their enthusiasm and zeal to bring about change through digital solutions was inspirational. Their solutions will be incubated and sustainably implemented before handing them over to the custodian government offices.
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