Inside the HARU Robot Workshop Experience

On the weekend of October 18-19, the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) hosted the HARU Workshop, an exciting event that introduced learners to advanced robotics and encouraged global collaboration. The workshop cantered around Haru, a conversational robot, and brought together learners from Namibia, Denmark, and the USA. It was a unique blend of technology, creativity, and cultural exchange.

Haru was designed to facilitate conversations between children from different countries. Learners got to interact with the robot, engaging in conversations that gave them insights into the lives, cultures, and traditions of their peers across the globe. Haru demonstrated just how powerful technology can be in breaking down barriers and connecting people, no matter where they are from.

The workshop didn’t stop at cultural exchange, it also gave participants a chance to flex their creative muscles by designing their own robots. These sessions challenged learners to think about how robots could help with everyday tasks, like shopping or managing consumption. The ideas they came up with were impressive, practical solutions.

The HARU Workshop was a collaborative effort involving NUST, Aalborg University in Denmark, Honda Research Institute Japan, and Indiana University Bloomington in the USA. This international partnership brought together expertise from across the globe, providing participants with valuable knowledge about robotics, design, and cultural collaboration. For the learners, the HARU Workshop was much more than a robotics event. It was an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology, develop problem-solving skills, and gain a new appreciation for cultural diversity. The lessons they took away from the experience will likely stay with them for a long time.

The HARU Workshop showed just how impactful technology can be when it’s used to connect people and foster understanding. By blending creativity, collaboration, and cultural exchange, it created a memorable experience that left a lasting impression on everyone who took part.

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