NamStarter: Havana’s crowdfunding platform

Project Description

The Tech Hub is supporting a running project in Havana, informal settlement, which aims at acquiring resources for SME’s through crowdfunding. Previously a crowdfunding platform, Namstarter, has been created and contains numerous entrepreneurial projects requiring funding. However, in order to obtain substantial capital, the platform needs to be advertised widely. To supplement possible local support a Namstarter funding campaign has been co-created with the Havana entrepreneurs to be uploaded on a global funding platform. The tech hub in collaboration with Aalto University is providing technical support, training and strategies for the Havana entrepreneurs, such as the training of community digital mediators, training of digital media campaign production, website maintenance, and campaign maintenance, among others. The tech hub is also currently hosting the Namstarter website and serving on the Namstarter advisory board. The aim is to co-create sustainable digital services, such as crowdfunding, with marginalized communities leveraging technologies to increase communities’ livelihood and well-being. The tech hub is supporting the technology appropriation by the community, through building technical infrastructures and human capacities in the informal settlement.

To read more please visit the Namstarter website


Phase: Implementation

Project partners and support received

The project has received the following support:

  1. Finish Embassy of Finland in Windhoek: development and training funding
  2. NUST, in kind
  3. NCRST, student research support
  4. Aalto University, student research project

Support needed

Equipment needs: Laptops, cell phones, display screens, printers, routers

Financial support for administration of Namstarter and training of project owners

Training support in technical and business related

Business model

Percentage of crowdfunded money is used for digital service administration.

Contact for information

For more information on the Tech Hub’s work with the app, you can contact us, info [at]

The “NamStarter” project was nominated as a national innovation and entered into the WSA Shortlist 2019. Out of more than 400 submissions worldwide, we are happy to announce that the NamStarter project is one of the 100 projects that were shortlisted by a jury of judges from different regions and with different professional backgrounds during the first round for further evaluation. For more information, read the report

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