Hololens in Education: A New Dimension

The “Beyond the Imaginable Technologies for…

VR Cultural Learning with OvaHimba

The IK cluster collaborates with the OvaHimba…

Indigenous Journalism in Donkerbos

The Community Broadcast Project in Donkerbos aims…

VR co-design with Ju/’hoansi in Donkerbos

The project has been ongoing since 2017…

Homeless Application Project

Since Namibia gained independence 30 years…

NamStarter: Havana’s crowdfunding platform

The Tech Hub is supporting a running project in Havana…

People’s Primary School Interactive tech library

Children are co-creating tech innovations…

Augmented Reality (AR) souvenirs

The San did it again, first augmented reality magnets…

Mobile app to address GBV, sexual health & HIV/AIDS

The Inclusive and Collaborative…

Digital Road safety campaigns

We are concerned with Namibia, being one of the countries with…